Friday, April 4, 2008

ESPN hatred

How racist of ESPN to post such a derogatory image of Isiah Thomas! He isn't the best GM ever, possibly one of the worst GM's to ever walk the planet, but when ESPN decides to post an African American man in the dark and have Donnie Walsh, a complete white person (if you couldn't notice) in the light as if he's the savior of the very African populated New York City, I can't bear to look. I am disgusted at how there is still racial prejudice in such a prestigious company as ESPN and such a well known organization as the NBA. Isiah Thomas needs to stick up for his rights and complain to ESPN about racial prejudice because this whole situation has gone too far. Maybe MSG can earn some of the money back that Isiah Thomas lost in his sexual assault case by suing ESPN for racial prejudice. If he did that, and resigned as the Knicks coach, the terrible situation he put the knicks in could be resolved. If Donnie Walsh does his job well, he'll make note of this picture, and tell Isiah that he'll either be fired or he can take one for the team and earn MSG some more money to spend on players and renovations. Before this picture, I was extremely excited about Donnie being hired, but now i'm afraid it will just be a place for white players to come in and be surrounded by a bunch of white things because that's what white people do. Isiah Thomas has done one thing right: he's kept in the black players out of all fairness and equality. Thank you Isiah.


Christopher Cunningham said...

Wow! Nathan I sure hope that was satire because that was perhaps the funniest post I have ever read on race and the NBA! I think you might have a knack for this blog stuff.

Nate the Great said...

thank you c-frog