Saturday, April 12, 2008

Regular season awards

It's been a few days since i've posted, sorry about that, i've been a bit busy with some things. so i'm going to give my predictions for all the regular season awards: MVP, ROY, COY, MIP & DPY.
Kobe Bryant, hands down, has been the most important player on his team, except LeBron James, but i'm excluding him because of missed games. Kobe has trusted his teammates this year, gotten them involved, and now Jordan Farmar, Ronny Turiaf, and Sasha Vujacic all look like promising young guys. Andrew Bynum and Luke Walton were already in the middle-ground area, and Kobe has trusted them to score, rebound, pass and work the offense. Kobe's been mature, active and deserves every bit of that MVP trophy. Runner up: Chris Paul

My interpretation of ROY is that everything is about stats: minutes, points, assists, and rebounds. the basics, essentially. Kevin Durant is averaging more points than any other rookie by 7.5, more minutes by 3.2, 3rd in assists, and a not-so-impressive 10th in rebounding. He's had more activity on his team than any other rookie in the league. he deserves it. Runner up: Al Horford

Byron Scott deserves Coach of the year because he's taken a mediocre team and turned them into an elite team. Chris Paul makes them a mediocre to a good team, and Byron Scott makes them elite. CP3 gets credit for most of the offense, but the credit for being ranked 5th in the league in defensive efficiency goes completely to Coach Scott, which is a big reason they win games and are going to end up in the top 2 of the regular season. Runner up: Maurice Cheeks

This is one of the hardest awards to judge because what is most improved? if it's a comeback player, it's hedo turkoglu, if its improved since the all star break, it's Leon Powe, who was used as a if we're up or down by 20 points with less than a minute left player to when can we get this guy on the floor player. But, the award goes to Rudy Gay who is averaging about 10 more points and 2 more rebounds than last year plus he's shooting 4% better with 7 more attempts per night. he shoots from the FT line 7% better, making at least 1 more a game, and has started every single game playing 10 more minutes per contest than last year. Runner up: Hedo Turkoglu

Kevin Garnett has taken the Celtics and become a defensive beat. The Celtics are defensive oriented, and hands down have the best defense in the league. The spurs & pistons, who have been known for defense in the past, have been nowhere near where the Celtics have been. Averaging 1.2 blocks and 7.4 DRebounds, Kevin Garnett has exploded to give the Celtics this amazing season. Runner up: Shane Battier

There you go ladies and gentleman, let's see what the "experts" say at the end of the regular season, but these are my awards. congrats to those mentioned.


Christopher Cunningham said...

how many ladies do you have reading your blog? Just because I'm voting on your poll every couple of days don't think real people are looking at your website.
As to the awards, your defenses make sense except the one for MIP. How in the world is Hedo a comeback anything? He was never any good before, never ever any good, so how can you come back to a place you've never been at?
Just asking :)

Christopher Cunningham said...

So dude, you need to write on how many total games happen in the first round. Do we have a 28 game first round out west?
Just asking